Please sent message to the address below:

Sorry, we do not use contact form. Contact form is easy target to get spam which causing us missing your enquiry.
The email address above is image file, so you can not simply copy and paste.
Please type our email address manually to contact us.
Alternatively, you can copy and replace -at- to @.
Regarding your order status, if you do not receive your order confirmation email and/or tracking number, please login your account and see whether your order was submitted or not. If your account does not show your order, your order has not been gone through, so please try to order again. If you can see your order from your account, your order has been received in our system.
Once your order has been dispatched, you will see your tracking number there as well.
We really apologize this inconvenience.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any enquiry.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.